Living in Kisangani as an expatriate

Caffeinate Your Kisangani Expat Journey: Find Essential Info and Connect with Expatriates Today

Image of Kisangani

Located at the confluence of the Congo and Sangha rivers, Kisangani is a picturesque metropolis brimming with natural beauty and economic prosperity. The city's lush greenery, bustling bazaars, and lively cultural scenes make it a distinctive and alluring destination for expats. Home to numerous foreign missionaries, investors, and traders, Kisangani boasts a vibrant international community actively shaping its growth. Whether you're seeking untold professional opportunities, laid-back serenity, or cultural immersion, Kisangani has got you covered!

Tips for expats in Kisangani

Visa requirements

Depending on one's citizenship, a visa may be necessary to reside in DRC. For a three-month stay, the visa application process requires submission of a valid passport, two passport-sized photos, proof of travel insurance, and a visa fee of approximately $100. Upon arrival, one can obtain a three-month visa extension at the migration department for $150.

Language resources

French is the official language in DRC, and proficiency in French is mandatory for job opportunities and daily interactions. Some English-speaking communities can also be found in certain areas. English and French language classes are provided at local schools and language exchange programs through expat associations, which can be an excellent way to learn and immerse in native-speaking environments.

Cost of living for expats in Kisangani


Accommodation in Kisangani varies considerably, depending on factors such as location, size, and amenities. A room in a shared house costs around $100-200 per month, while a one-bedroom apartment ranges from $200-350 per month, and a two-bedroom apartment costs approximately $400-600 per month. Three or more bedroom family houses cost between $800-1200 per month.


The cost of groceries in Kisangani varies depending on your specific preferences and requirements. Fresh produce, such as meat, vegetables, and fruit, can be obtained from local markets at reasonable prices. A basic weekly grocery budget for a small family typically ranges from $60-$90.


Local transportation fares in Kisangani are generally affordable, with taxi fares costing approximately $0.30-$0.60 per kilometer, and minibus fares ranging from $0.20-$0.30 per kilometer. A monthly pass for taxis costs around $50-70, while for minibuses, the monthly fee ranges from $30-50.

Climate in Kisangani

Kisangani's climate is tropical, characterized by high humidity and two distinct seasons: the dry season from December to March, and the rainy season from April to November. Temperatures year-round average 24°C (75°F) with occasional fluctuations between 20°C (68°F) and 28°C (82°F).

Job market in Kisangani

Kisangani's thriving economy provides an excellent job market for expats in various fields, including finance, healthcare, NGOs, and education. Major employers include Kisangani's administrative, academic, and commercial centers, the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission (MONUSCO), and the joint World Health Organization/United Nations Children's Fund (WHO/UNICEF) Health Area. In the northern region of Kisangani province, several mining projects are present, providing employment opportunities in the mining sector. Job openings are frequently advertised in local newspapers, notice boards, and digital media.

Healthcare in Kisangani

Kisangani features a network of modern healthcare facilities, such as hospitals, dispensaries, and health centers, offering various services. Notably, the Provincial Hôtel + Dypt Governemental (PHDG) and UNZA (Foundation Universitaire Zaïre) are the most prominent healthcare facilities in Kisangani, offering advanced medical care and management. Both English and French are spoken in most medical centers, making it convenient for expats to communicate with health professionals. Additionally, surprisingly low healthcare costs contribute to Kisangani's popularity among expats.

Transport in Kisangani

The city's public transport system consists primarily of taxis and minibuses, referred to as 'blesse' and 'malaxi' respectively. The taxis are typically inexpensive and widely available, while minibuses offer more convenience with faster transits and lower fares during non-peak periods. The City Hall is the central transportation hub, with various transport networks radiating outwards. Motorcycle taxis, also known as 'bodabodas,' are also prevalent in Kisangani, providing both convenience and faster transit.

Safety in Kisangani

Over the past decade, Kisangani's crime rate has decreased significantly, making it one of the safer locations to live in DRC. However, safety levels can differ depending on the specific area you reside in. Some neighborhoods that tend to be safer include Kalenda, Dimbelenge, Delcommune, and Kafka, while Bunia and Butondo can be more dangerous. It's crucial to remain alert and take standard precautions while travelling at night and in secluded areas to mitigate any potential risks.

Neighborhoods in Kisangani

  1. Kalenda

    Kalenda is a picturesque neighborhood nestled on the left bank of the Congo River. The area is home to embassies, major businesses, and high-end restaurants. Kalenda supplies enriching cultural experiences, ranging from the National Museum to the nearby Kalima Science Museum and the Paroisse Catholique Notre Dame Du Perpetuel Secours.

  2. Kafka District

    Kafka District, named after the renowned German author Franz Kafka, is a newly-constructed and thriving neighborhood brimming with modern infrastructure and lush greenery. The area is home to multinational corporations such as Shell Petroleum and Fluorsid. The University of Kisangani is also located in Kafka district, making it an excellent location for expats with academic or teaching interests.

Attractions in Kisangani

  1. Congo River

    The Congo River, stretching for approximately 4,373 kilometers, is the second-longest river in Africa and the deepest river in the world. Visitors can enjoy a breathtaking view of the riverside, lively river traffic, and enriching cultural interactions. The river also boasts some of the most scenic and majestic sunsets, providing consolation and inspiration to the weary.

  2. Katopa Iba Forest National Park

    Katopa Iba Forest National Park is one of the most captivating attractions in Kisangani, housing rare wildlife species and diverse flora ecosystems. The park's rich rainforest environment harbours a variety of fauna, including chimpanzees, elephants, and forest buffalo. Plentiful guided tours with experienced rangers provide opportunities to interact with the native wildlife and learn about conservation efforts within the national park.

International Schools in Kisangani

  1. International School of Imani

    International School of Imani is conveniently located in Kafka District, within easy reach of various expat neighborhoods. The school offers a modern and inclusive learning environment for students ranging from age 3-18, providing a global and diverse perspective in the classroom.

    Teachers maintain a holistic and engaging learning culture through a blend of academic rigor and experiential learning programs, preparing students for international education.

  2. Providence School

    Providence School is situated in Gungu, just a 15-minute drive from the heart of Kisangani. The school's serene surroundings and sprawling campus provide a conducive atmosphere for students of various grades, adhering to the U.K. National Curriculum.

    Providence School prioritizes academic excellence and practical training in various fields, promoting critical thinking, creativity, and innovation among its students.

Expat destinations in DR Congo