Living in Antananarivo as an expatriate

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Image of Antananarivo

Welcome to Antananarivo, the heart of Madagascar's culture and economy. Known as 'Tanà' by locals, this historic and magnificent city is a melting pot of tradition and modernity. Founded in the late 1600s, Tanà served as the country's capital since independence in 1960. Its historic site, Ambohimanga, is an UNESCO World Heritage Site that has been a royal city since the 18th century and draws numerous tourists from across the globe. Surrounded by hills, Tanà has an average elevation of 1250 meters above sea level, which gives breathtaking views and a moderate climate.

Tips for expats in Antananarivo

Visa requirements

Foreign expats are required to have a work permit and valid employment contract to work in Antananarivo. They must also apply for an entry visa, which can be obtained at any Madagascar embassy in their home countries, or upon arrival in Antananarivo. New residents and retirees are also required to have a residence permit. All these procedures can be done at the General Directorate of Immigration and Emigration Service.

Language resources

Madagascar's official language is Malagasy. However, French is widely spoken, and English is becoming more popular, especially among the younger generations. Expats can enroll in language schools such as Amiti Language Centre, Expanish, and Madagascar School of Language to learn French and Malagasy. Additionally, several online courses and language apps like Duolingo, Babbel, and Rosetta Stone can also help you learn the language from the comfort of your home.

Cost of living for expats in Antananarivo


The cost of housing in Antananarivo varies considerably based on the area, location type, and amenities. Monthly rental prices for a one-bed apartment in a shared house range from $120 to $150 USD. Rent for a one-bed apartment in the city center is between $250 and $350 USD. For a two-bed room apartment, you can expect to pay between $300 and $550 USD. For a three plus bedroom house, landlords charge an average of around $600 to $900 USD each month.


Antananarivo's grocery expenditure varies depending on dietary preferences and lifestyle. A basic grocery package for a family of four can cost between $100 to $200 USD per month, depending on how healthy you eat. Imported food products such as cheese, meat, wine, and beer tend to be more expensive. Fresh local fruits and vegetables are very affordable, as are staple foods such as rice and lentils.


Antananarivo's transportation costs are relatively low compared to other major African cities. A one-way ticket for a taxi-brousse is around $0.25 USD, while a monthly pass costs about $20 USD. Cyclo-pousse fares range from $0.15 to $0.35 USD for distances under two kilometers and $0.60 to $0.75 USD for longer routes of up to 5 kilometers. In Antananarivo, you can expect to spend between $20 to $50 USD monthly on transportation.

Climate in Antananarivo

Antananarivo enjoys a moderate tropical highland climate with minimal rainfall. The city is blessed with a stunning landscape comprising a chain of hills that provide added charm. The climate is variable, characterized by hot and wet summers, running from September to April, and cool and dry winters that run from May to August. January is the hottest month, with a temperature of about 22°C, while July is the coldest, with an average temperature of approximately 14°C.

Job market in Antananarivo

Antananarivo's job market is flourishing, making it a hotspot for job seekers. The city is a hub for several key industries, including agriculture, tourism, finance, and services. The public administration and social services sectors employ the majority of the workforce, accounting for over 35% of the jobs. Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries are the second biggest employers in Antananarivo, accounting for about 24% of jobs. Other critical sectors include financial activities, construction, and manufacturing, all providing ample opportunities for expats to explore.

Healthcare in Antananarivo

Antananarivo has a well-established healthcare system that includes both private and public facilities. Private hospitals offer superior medical care, and their services are not restricted to expats alone. The public medical facilities are well-equipped and provide competent service at affordable prices. Major public hospitals include Tokinolava and Fort Dauphin. For dental care, Hôpital Pasteur is a recommended facility in the city. Expats can also opt for specialized facilities in Antananarivo, such as Hôpitaux Privés D'Antananarivo. From pharmacies to pediatricians, Antananarivo has a diverse pool of healthcare options.

Transport in Antananarivo

The public transportation system in Antananarivo is mainly composed of minibuses, known as 'taxi-brousse,' and cyclo-pousse, which are pedal-rickshaw cycles. Taxis-brousse are spacious, comfortable, and affordable. Their routes cover most parts of the city, and they can take you anywhere you need to go. They are available throughout the city, including in the suburbs. Cyclo-pousse offers an alternative, more eco-friendly mode of transportation. They are affordable and can take you through narrow roads that taxis-brousse can't access. The road network in Antananarivo is efficient, and the streets are wide enough to accommodate these modes of transport.

Safety in Antananarivo

Antananarivo is a relatively safe city when compared to other African capitals. However, petty crimes such as pickpocketing and bag snatching may occur, particularly in crowded places. Expats should be cautious in areas that are less populated, especially in the suburbs at night. As much as possible, try not to carry valuables, keep necessities in your pockets, and don't disclose vital information to strangers. Be cautious of beggars and street vendors who could cause distractions.

Neighborhoods in Antananarivo

  1. Analakely

    Analakely is Antananarivo's commercial heart, full of bustling markets, shops, and eateries. It's a historical district, home to the famous Independence Avenue, which has several foreign missions and embassies. Analakely has a fantastic mix of traditional and modern settings, with excellent transportation links and a low crime rate. Accommodations here range from hostels to high-end hotels.

  2. Ambohipalana

    Located northeast of Antananarivo, Ambohipalana is a dynamic residential area. It's close to the city center and has excellent transportation links to different parts of Antananarivo. The region is surrounded by lush green hills, making for a beautiful landscape. Apartments and houses here come with attractive views, ample security, and all essential amenities.

Attractions in Antananarivo

  1. Rova Ambohimanga

    Rova Ambohimanga is a royal palace situated approximately 20 kilometers north of Antananarivo. It's an impressive 18th-century architecture that features traditional Merina-style buildings overlooking stunning mountains. The site is preserved as a Unesco World Heritage Site and is displayed in immaculate conditions.

  2. Parc National de Ranomafana

    Ranomafana National Park is a nearby nature reserve that's home to several endangered species of lemurs and plant ecosystems. As a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this park offers a remarkable adventure, an exciting mixed of flora and fauna set in serene, pristine environments.

International Schools in Antananarivo

  1. Collège Français de Tananarive (CFT)

    Analakely, Antananarivo.

    CFT is a French curriculum international school for kids aged between three and 18 years. With a large enrollment of English and French locals, the school aims to deliver a first-rate educational setting, with all the necessary infrastructure, resources and facilities.

  2. Madagascar International School (MIS)

    Atsimonjanahary, Antananarivo.

    MIS is an English medium international school founded in 1985 to cater to foreign children living and residing in Antananarivo. With state-of-the-art facilities, MIS offers academic excellence that builds leadership, critical thinking, creativity and social skills in students aged between three and 16 years.

Useful expat resources in Antananarivo

Expat destinations in Madagascar