Living in Dzaoudzi as an expatriate

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Image of Dzaoudzi

Dzaoudzi, also known as Dzaoudzi-Patchouli, is a coastal town and administrative center of Mayotte, an overseas department and region of France located in the Indian Ocean. The city itself is quite small but has several amenities, including shops, restaurants, and a local market. While the island is known for its natural beauty and pristine beaches, Dzaoudzi's urban charm makes it a unique place to live. The city is home to various cultural institutions, including the House of Culture, which hosts exhibitions, workshops, and performances.

Tips for expats in Dzaoudzi

Visa requirements

Expatriate workers moving to Dzaoudzi must possess a valid work permit, which must be obtained from the local authorities prior to arrival. The permit is tied to a specific employer and job role, and must be renewed annually. Additionally, expats must hold a long-stay visa in their passport, which is valid for up to three months.

Language resources

Although French is the official language in Dzaoudzi, the local dialect is an variation of Swahili, known as Shimaore. While fluency in French is highly recommended, expats are also advised to pick up some basic Swahili phrases to facilitate communication with the local population. The House of Culture in Dzaoudzi offers language courses for both French and Shimaore.

Cost of living for expats in Dzaoudzi


Accommodation costs in Dzaoudzi are relatively low compared to other parts of France. A room in a shared house typically costs between 150 and 300 euros per month, while a one-bedroom apartment can fetch around 400-600 euros per month. Two-bedroom apartments vary greatly depending on their size and location, with prices ranging from 600 to 1200 euros. Three-plus-bedroom houses are more expensive, with prices starting at around 1200 euros per month.


Food and grocery prices in Dzaoudzi are in line with those of mainland France, with fresh produce and dairy products being imported regularly. However, some popular locally grown produce such as rambutan and vanilla are much cheaper than their French equivalents.


Transportation costs in Dzaoudzi are also relatively affordable. Taxis from the airport to the city center cost around 35 euros, while local bus fares are approximately 50 cents per journey. Cycling and walking are also popular forms of transportation due to the city's small size and favorable climate.

Climate in Dzaoudzi

Dzaoudzi enjoys a tropical climate with high humidity. The dry season runs from May to October, while rainy weather occurs from November to April. Temperatures remain mild throughout the year, with an average high of 28°C in January and an average high of 30°C in October. The island's location in the Indian Ocean also provides ample opportunities to enjoy watersports and scuba diving.

Job market in Dzaoudzi

Dzaoudzi's economy is primarily based on agriculture, fishing, and tourism. Agricultural products such as vanilla, ylang-ylang, and rambutan are grown on the island, while fishing serves as a major industry due to the abundant marine life in the surrounding waters. In recent years, the tourism sector has surged, as more and more visitors flock to the island's secluded beaches and pristine jungles. Expats with backgrounds in agriculture, fisheries, and tourism are particularly sought-after.

Healthcare in Dzaoudzi

Dzaoudzi is served by a government-run hospital, which provides a range of medical services. All essential medical care is available on the island, with specialists such as gynaecologists, paediatricians, and cardiologists available. Most common illnesses and conditions can be treated on the island, but serious conditions may require medical evacuation to mainland France.

Transport in Dzaoudzi

Dzaoudzi has no city-wide transportation network. However, taxis and local buses are available to travel between the main areas of the city. Taxis can be hailed on the street, while buses operate on fixed routes around the city. Due to the small size of the city, many expats choose to walk or cycle to their destinations, especially as the city has several dedicated cycle paths.

Safety in Dzaoudzi

Although the island as a whole is generally considered safe, crime does occur in certain areas. Petty theft and opportunistic burglaries are not uncommon, particularly in the city center and around the harbor area. Expats are advised to take common-sense precautions, such as leaving valuables at home, avoiding walking alone at night, and locking doors and windows when unoccupied.

Neighborhoods in Dzaoudzi

  1. Tse Millia

    Tse Millia is a newer, high-density neighborhood located in the southern suburbs of Dzaoudzi. The area is primarily residential and is serviced by several bus routes. It offers plenty of greenery, with numerous parks and gardens scattered throughout the neighborhood.

  2. Chaomyè

    Chaomyè is an old neighborhood located in the heart of Dzaoudzi. The area is primarily residential but also hosts several shops, restaurants, and bars. It is popular among expats for its lively atmosphere and vibrant nightlife.

  3. Mzé wa Côte

    Mzé wa Côte is a coastal neighborhood located on the eastern fringes of Dzaoudzi. The area is mainly residential but boasts several beautiful beaches. It is ideal for expats seeking a laid-back lifestyle close to the sea.

  4. M'Taramanga

    M'Taramanga is an historic neighborhood located in the north-west of Dzaoudzi. The area is primarily residential but also boasts several small businesses, such as cafes and bakeries. Its proximity to the city center makes it an ideal choice for expats looking for a home close to all their necessary amenities.

Attractions in Dzaoudzi

  1. Dzaoudzi Beach

    Dzaoudzi Beach is the most popular destination in the area. The beautifully landscaped beach offers stunning views, luxury villas, and multiple water sports activities.

  2. Patchouli District

    The Patchouli District is a scenic part of Dzaoudzi that honours traditional local lifestyle. Experience the sight of plantation fields, buy fresh produce at local marketplaces, and learn about local traditions at museums like the House of Culture.

  3. Dembéni Market

    Dembéni Market is a bustling market that sells plenty of fruits, vegetables, fish, and handicrafts. The market also hosts street artists and street performers, providing a vibrant atmosphere for visitors.

  4. Chez Kuma

    Chez Kuma is a cultural center located in the heart of Chaomyè, specializing in African arts, music, dance, and culture. The centre also hosts regular workshops, performances, and exhibitions.

International Schools in Dzaoudzi

  1. Lycée La Mennais Dzaoudzi


    Lycée La Mennais Dzaoudzi is a French state-funded secondary school that offers a comprehensive curriculum to expat students. The school follows the French national curriculum and is open to expat students attending from Year 6 through to Year 12. The school aims to provide multicultural education, allowing students to embrace new cultures, and be competitive in a globalised setting.

Useful expat resources in Dzaoudzi

Expat destinations in Mayotte