Living in Dakar as an expatriate

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Image of Dakar

Dakar, the capital city of Senegal, is located on the westernmost tip of the African continent. This vibrant city is known for its rich history, diverse culture, and stunning coastline. As an important economic and political center, Dakar offers numerous opportunities for expats seeking new experiences and professional growth.

Tips for expats in Dakar

Visa requirements

Expats will need to obtain a long-stay visa for stays exceeding 90 days. This visa can be converted to a residency permit upon arrival. It's best to consult the Senegalese embassy or consulate in your home country for specific requirements.

Language resources

French is the official language of Senegal, and knowledge of French is helpful for daily life and job opportunities. Expats can find language courses at local language schools and cultural centers or hire private tutors to improve their language skills.

Cost of living for expats in Dakar


Housing in Dakar can vary greatly in price. A room in a shared house might cost around $300 to $500 per month, while a one-bedroom apartment can range from $500 to $800. A two-bedroom apartment typically costs between $800 and $1,200, and a three-bedroom house or larger can exceed $1,500 per month.


Groceries in Dakar are relatively inexpensive, with a month's supply of food costing around $200 to $300 for a single person. Prices for imported goods can be higher, so it's recommended to purchase local produce and products when possible.


Public transportation in Dakar is affordable, with bus fares ranging from $0.15 to $0.50 per ride. Taxis are also widely available, with prices depending on the distance traveled. Expats can expect to spend around $30 to $50 per month on transportation.

Climate in Dakar

Dakar experiences a tropical climate with two main seasons: the dry season (November to June) and the rainy season (July to October). Throughout the year, temperatures average around 80°F (27°C), although the city can get significantly cooler during the harmattan, a dry and dusty wind that blows from the Sahara during the winter months.

Job market in Dakar

Key industries in Dakar include finance, tourism, telecommunications, and agriculture. The city is home to several international organizations and embassies, providing numerous job opportunities for expats. Speaking French is often a requirement for many positions, but there are also opportunities in English-speaking companies and international schools.

Healthcare in Dakar

Dakar has a range of healthcare facilities, including public hospitals, private clinics, and international medical centers. While basic care is available, expats may prefer to use private facilities for more complex treatments. It's recommended to have international health insurance to cover potential medical expenses.

Transport in Dakar

Dakar's public transportation system consists of buses, minibuses (called 'car rapides'), and taxis. The city is also served by the Dakar Dem Dikk public transportation company, which offers bus and minibus services. While efficient, public transportation may be crowded and less reliable during peak hours.

Safety in Dakar

Dakar experiences varying levels of safety in different neighborhoods. While the city center and upscale districts are generally safer, some areas have higher crime rates, including petty theft and muggings. It's recommended for expats to stay vigilant, avoid poorly lit areas at night, and refrain from displaying valuable items in public.

Neighborhoods in Dakar

  1. Plateau

    The central business district, featuring historical architecture, government buildings, and upscale dining options.

  2. Fann-Point E-Amitié

    A popular residential area with a mix of modern apartments and traditional houses, as well as universities and private schools.

  3. Mermoz-Sacré Cœur

    A cosmopolitan neighborhood with a variety of shops, restaurants, and residential options, including apartments and villas.

  4. Ngor

    A seaside community with a relaxed atmosphere, offering stunning views, water sports, and local art galleries.

Attractions in Dakar

  1. Monument de la Renaissance Africaine

    A prominent landmark offering panoramic views of the city and the Atlantic Ocean.

  2. Île de Gorée

    A UNESCO World Heritage Site, famous for its history as a center of the transatlantic slave trade.

  3. Marché Sandaga

    A vibrant marketplace selling local produce, textiles, and crafts.

International Schools in Dakar

  1. Lycée Français Jacques Prévert


    A French-curriculum school that caters to students of various nationalities.

  2. International School of Dakar


    An English-language school offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.

Useful expat resources in Dakar

Expat destinations in Senegal