Living in Tambacounda as an expatriate

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Image of Tambacounda

Tambacounda is a tranquil city in southeastern Senegal, teeming with character and charm. Home to near-perfect weather conditions with intriguing landscapes, Tambacounda intrigues tourists and expats alike. It's a testament to typical African lifestyle, evident in local markets and architecture. The beige ochre-colored city, built alongside a vast expanse of baobab trees and savannah habitats, appears serene under the endless sky. Tambacounda also prides itself on housing the largest wildlife reserve in West Africa, known as Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary.

Tips for expats in Tambacounda

Visa requirements

Newly arrived foreigners must obtain a Siégé Sénégalais, a temporary residency permit, within six months of arriving in Tambacounda. The permit runs for six months initially, with the possibility of renewal for a year. The permit costs around $85 for a single-entry permit and $155 for a multiple-entry permit.

Language resources

Learning the local Wolof dialect is essential, albeit not entirely necessary. Most locals willingly communicate in French, especially in the city center. Learning Wolof will facilitate comfortable interactions with the locals, adding a richer cultural experience to your experience in Tambacounda.

Cost of living for expats in Tambacounda


Living expenses in Tambacounda are undoubtedly affordable. The city's accommodation varies between $120 to $300 per month, averaging around $200 per month. Renting a single room in a shared house runs at approximately $80 to $120, whereas a one-bedroom apartment costs roughly $150 to $200 per month. For families requiring larger spaces, a two-bedroom apartment costs around $220 to $280 per month


The cost of groceries and household items in Tambacounda averages around $150 to $200 per month. Supermarkets such as Intermarche sell everything from imported goods to fresh produce, including baked goods, fresh meat, dry goods, and dairy products


Transportation costs, mostly, depend on existing circumstances. Daily car rental costs roughly $80 to $120 per month, inclusive of petrol and car insurance. Alternatively, a weekly taxi fare runs approximately $35 to $45, depending on the distance traveled. Commuters, who prefer the dukur system of transportation, generally incur an average of 6000 to 10,000 CFA francs ($10 to $18), per week for a weekly ticket.

Climate in Tambacounda

Like most African cities, Tambacounda features a tropical climate that oscillates from arid and dry to humid, depending on the seasons. Winters are mostly cool and dry, lasting from October to February. Meanwhile, the rainy season, from June to September, is characterized by torrential downpours and swelling rivers. Within the city limits, the temperature stays comfortable, averaging around 28°C (82°F) all year round. Despite its mostly sunny climate, Tambacounda is prone to dust storms and sandstorms during the hot and dry season.

Job market in Tambacounda

Tambacounda's economy comprises a mix of various industries spanning agriculture, mining, manufacturing, trade, and commerce. The agricultural sector generates a substantial portion of employment opportunities, with many expats gravitating towards mechanized farming, livestock farming, and agribusiness ventures. Also, the Gold fields of Touba and Ngouna, which mine gold and diamonds, are reputed employers in Tambacounda, with multinational mining conglomerates such as Randgold Resources S.A and Aurion Resources also exploring the region's mineral wealth. Other opportunities exist in the food processing, pharmaceutical, and construction industries.

Healthcare in Tambacounda

The standard of healthcare in Tambacounda is high, underpinned by a mix of private and public healthcare facilities. The region boasts a handful of advanced healthcare centers, staffed by qualified doctors and healthcare professionals. The Centre Médical Le Duc and Centre Médical Deu-Vallée Bissik are examples of the city's most reputable medical centers, providing world-class healthcare services. For emergencies such as cardiac arrests, strokes or accidents, the nearest regional hospital, Hôpital Général Régional Yaay Dakaz, sits roughly 100 kilometers outside of Tambacounda in Kolda.

Transport in Tambacounda

Tambacounda's transportation system comprises taxis, cars, buses, and motorcycles, known locally as moto-taxis. Expats prefer renting a car for absolute freedom and flexibility in commuting. Taxi fares are affordable, running at roughly 2000 to 3000 CFA francs ($3.5 to $5) per trip, and taxis are relatively easy to hail on the streets. The bus system, known locally as dukur, is reliable and affordable, connecting the city to Kolda, its largest neighboring city, and other surrounding towns.

Safety in Tambacounda

Tambacounda is relatively safe for expats, with low crime rates. The city's neighborhoods are peaceful and hospitable, with friendly locals continually expanding their welcoming vibes. However, petty thefts and pickpockets can sometimes occur in crowded markets and touristy areas, warranting adequate caution and vigilance.

Neighborhoods in Tambacounda

  1. Gare

    The Gare neighborhood is ideally located near the city's principal transportation hub, allowing for easy access to other parts of the city. The neighborhood features an excellent variety of restaurants, supermarkets, and shops. The neighborhood is known for its proximity to the city's principal hospital, Centre Médical Le Duc, and the Khem Oular Ferna school.

  2. Tahir

    Tahir is an up-and-coming neighborhood, catering to a plethora of urban amenities, with a diverse mix of commercial and residential spaces. Expats throng this neighborhood for its proximity to the city's principal universities, including Polytech Tam-Bacouda and Université de Thiès, a short 30-minute drive away.

  3. N'Dorné Kok

    N'Dorné Kok neighborhood is an idyllic settlement with tree-lined avenues and lush green neighborhoods. Consequently, it attracts a plethora of expat families, seeking respite from the city's hustle and bustle. The neighborhood's revitalization programs have transformed it into a haven for gourmet food stores and high-end boutiques.

  4. Centre

    Centre is the city's epicenter, teeming with bustling marketplaces, restaurants, and government buildings. The neighborhood features a wide variety of exchange bureaus, providing foreigners with the essentials in navigating the local Wolof and French dialects. The neighborhood's proximity to the city's principal tourist attractions, including the Thiès Cathedral and the Karonké-Tolof Museum, makes it a perennial favorite among expats.

  5. Baal Ray

    Baal Ray is an affluent neighborhood, featuring luxurious mansions befitting the city's elites. The neighborhood's estate-like properties, high walls, and high-security checkpoints underscore their exclusivity. The neighborhood is also a stone's throw away from the city's principal FIFA-accredited football stadium.

Attractions in Tambacounda

  1. Thiès Cathedral

    Thiès Cathedral, locally known as Basilique Saint-Joseph, is a striking architectural marvel, characterized by its unique blend of Islamic, Renaissance, and Victorian architecture. Experts date the main building's construction back to 1943, whereas the minor building was completed in 1986.

  2. École Privée Ecolint Ibis

    The Ecole Privée Ecolint Ibis, founded in 1993 and accredited by the International Baccalaureate Organisation, is considered the crème de la crème of international schools within Tambacounda. Its classrooms, library, sports pitches, school hall, and indoor swimming pool are comparable to any prestigious international school.

  3. Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary

    Djoudj National Bird Sanctuary is an ornithologist's paradise located roughly 100 kilometers away from Tambacounda. The sanctuary, bisected by the Gulf of Guinea's passage through Senegal, is a renowned wetlands area, populated by an exceptional array of migratory birds. It's undoubtedly the largest wetlands bird sanctuary in West Africa.

  4. Faune Wildlife Reserve

    Faune Wildlife Reserve, established in 1983, has grown to be a first-class nature park, showcasing varying animal species distinct to West African regions. The reserve boasts a selection of indigenous species such as hippopotamuses, antelopes, hyenas, warthogs, and West African lion cubs.

  5. Centre Culturel Tamsil Sissoko

    The Centre Culturel Tamsil Sissoko, a debonair arts complex named after the renowned Guinean kora player, is located in Mauritane's capital city, Nouakchott. The center hosts an array of cultural and intellectual events throughout the year, such as symposiums, debates, and conferences, focusing on topics that range from history, economics, to literature.

  6. Jardin Père Benoit

    Jardin Père Benoit, located roughly 70 kilometers from Tambacounda, is a botanical garden, comprising over 2,000 tree species unique to West Africa. The garden's walking trails also afford panoramic views of the Niayes hills, renovated colonial houses, and timeless landscapes.

  7. Musée Image et Son Contemporain

    Musée Image et Son Contemporain, in Dakar, showcases modern contemporary art collections, spanning film, photography, sculpture, and painting. The museum's interdisciplinary art exhibitions, accompanied by accompanying audio-visual and lyrical shows, all underscore art and culture's unifying role in the African diaspora.

International Schools in Tambacounda

  1. College et Lycée La Nouvelle Âge

    Khem Oular Ferna Lkeumta

    College et Lycée La Nouvelle Âge is an international secondary school based in Kinicity. The school features updated classrooms, libraries, and laboratories, enabling students to focus on science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. The school is affiliated with the National Council of French Education Abroad, an accredited French international school in Tambacounda.

  2. Collège Garielle


    Collège Garielle, located on the outskirts of Tambacounda in N'Gourké, offers a distinct curriculum for pre-kindergarten to secondary school students. The school's campus features a swimming pool, spacious classrooms, and indoor sports halls.

  3. École Haïdara Bamba Karamo

    Yoff Department, Dakar

    École Haïdara Bamba Karamo operates under the auspices of the Haïdara family, who've governed for generations by blending both traditional customs and avant-garde education techniques. It has expanded its outreach to Dakar, operating in the Yoff district, featuring state-of-the-art structures and premium educational solutions.

Expat destinations in Senegal