Living in Freetown as an expatriate

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Nestled on the hilly coastline of Sierra Leone, Freetown is a radiant city that combines colorful culture, stunning landscapes, and a bustling urban scene. Its various neighborhoods offer insight into the vibrancy and resilience of the local population, reflected in the bustling street markets and traditional music and dance scenes. Freetown's lively job market in industries like finance, media, and health care attracts a diverse expat community, while the city's excellent healthcare facilities provide peace of mind. Enjoy the tropical climate, delicious seafood, and warm hospitality of this friendly community.

Tips for expats in Freetown

Visa requirements

Expats intending to reside in Freetown for longer than 90 days require a residency permit, obtainable by applying to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After receipt of the permit, expats must register with the National Revenue Authority and the National Social Security and Insurance Trust.

Language resources

English is the official language of Freetown, making English classes readily available for expats aiming to learn the local dialect. Various educational centers like Eden Graduate School, Africa Nazarene University, and Freetown International School offer English courses for adults and children.

Cost of living for expats in Freetown


Accommodation is relatively cheap in Freetown, with a range of living options to suit different preferences and budgets. A spacious room in a shared house typically costs $250 per month, while a one-bedroom apartment starts from $300 per month, with additional amenities such as laundry and housekeeping services. Two-bedroom apartments range from $400 to $700 per month, and a three-plus bedroom house goes from $900 to $1600 per month depending on location and features.


Fruits, vegetables, and seafood are highly affordable in Freetown, with fresh produce sold in street markets for as little as $1 per kilogram.


Public transportation costs are low, with typical fares for minibuses costing between $0.50 and $1.50, depending on the distance.

Climate in Freetown

Freetown has a tropical climate, with high temperatures and humidity throughout the year. The dry season runs from November to May, with scorching heat that can rise above 35°C (95°F), whereas the rainy season, from June to October, brings refreshing rainstorms and lushes greenery to surrounding forests. Thunderstorms are common during both seasons.

Job market in Freetown

Freetown's demand for a skilled workforce has led to the establishment of a diverse range of industries such as finance, media, health care, and construction. Expats with expertise in these areas have abundant job opportunities, particularly in start-ups and international organizations. Freetown International School also provides employment opportunities for English-speaking teachers.

Healthcare in Freetown

Freetown is home to several advanced healthcare facilities, catering to the diverse expat community. The Connaught Hospital is renowned for its critical care services, and other renowned medical centers like the 34 Military Hospital and Ola During Specialist Hospital offer comprehensive health care services. Expats are advised to have comprehensive medical insurance for emergencies, ensuring quick access to quality medical care.

Transport in Freetown

Freetown's public transportation infrastructure includes minibuses, known locally as 'Pipe' buses, which operate on popular routes, and taxis, which are more expensive but offer a comfortable ride. Freetown's main monsoon drain, the Wilkinson Road, also offers an alternative mode of transportation during the dry season, with water taxis transporting passengers along the coastline without excessive traffic.

Safety in Freetown

Freetown can be a relatively safe city for expats, but crime remains an escalating concern in certain areas. Expats are advised to avoid carrying large sums of money or valuables, particularly in crowded areas. Additionally, high crime rates in areas such as Kissy Town, Waterloo-Yun Village, and Old Railway Line advocates staying away from these areas at night.

Neighborhoods in Freetown

  1. Freetown Central

    Freetown Central is the heartland of the city, bustling with avid shoppers, street performers, and historic landmarks.

  2. Tankora

    Populated by young families and up-and-coming entrepreneurs, Tankora's tree-lined neighborhoods offer respite from the hustle and bustle of the city center.

  3. Waterside

    Located close to the coastline, Waterside is a preferred area for expats with its breezy ocean air and seafront homes. Expect a range of lively beach bars and high-end restaurants to satisfy your taste buds.

Attractions in Freetown

  1. Peninsular of Cotton Tree

    This peninsula is the city's most popular landmark, with the historic Victoria Park and the iconic Cotton Tree – the 'center' of Freetown – boasting a variety of cultural celebrations and festivities.

  2. Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary

    Located in the nearby West Peninsula, the chimpanzee sanctuary is dedicated to protecting endangered chimpanzees and maintains a host of programs tailored to welfare, conservation efforts, and scientific research.

International Schools in Freetown

  1. Freetown International School

    The school's main campus is situated close to the northwestern edge of the city, accommodating primary through secondary school levels.

    With a high standard of education up to A Levels, Freetown International School provides a British curriculum for expat children, ensuring a seamless transition between home and school.

Useful expat resources in Freetown

Expat destinations in Sierra Leone