Living in Kunduz as an expatriate

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Image of Kunduz

Kunduz is the capital city of Kunduz Province, located in northern Afghanistan. Its strategic location and rich history make it a cultural and economic hub for the region. It boasts a diverse population, mixing Pashtuns, Tajiks, Hazaras, and Uzbeks, contributing to its vibrant and eclectic atmosphere.

Tips for expats in Kunduz

Visa requirements

Expats coming to Kunduz require a visa issued by the Afghan embassy in their respective countries or a visa-on-arrival entry permit. The visa-on-arrival costs USD 60-100, for a stay of up to 30 days, and can be extended for an additional 30 days for a fee of USD 100. Expats must also register with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs within two weeks of arrival.

Language resources

Kunduz is a multilingual city, with Dari and Pashto as the primary languages, along with Uzbek and Turkmen. Expats can learn these languages through local language schools, online courses, language exchange programs, and hiring a private tutor.

Cost of living for expats in Kunduz


Housing in Kunduz is relatively affordable, with various options available based on preferences and budgets. Room sharing in a shared house costs around USD 50-100 per month, while a one-bed apartment ranges from USD 100-200 per month. Two-bedroom apartments cost between USD 200-300 per month, and three-bedroom houses cost around USD 300-400 per month.


Grocery costs in Kunduz are relatively low due to the availability of locally produced food items. Fresh fruits and vegetables are widely available, with prices ranging from USD 0.30-1.00 per kg. Packaged food items and imported goods cost significantly more, with prices ranging from USD 2-5 per item.


Transportation costs in Kunduz are minimal, with affordable public transportation options. Shared taxis (Sherut) for short distances cost around USD 0.50-1.00, while intercity buses cost between USD 5-10 for longer journeys. Bicycles or motorbikes for personal transportation can be purchased for between USD 100-300.

Climate in Kunduz

Kunduz has a predominantly hot and dry climate, with scorching summers and frigid winters. The weather is ideal for growing crops, especially wheat, grapes, and apricots. Rainfall is scarce, typically falling between April and September. The city experiences severe dust storms during the dry season.

Job market in Kunduz

Kunduz's economy is primarily based on agriculture, with wheat, grapes, and apricots as the main crops. However, the city is also starting to develop its industrial sector, including textile, construction, and agricultural processing industries. There are opportunities in these fields for expats, especially in management and administrative positions.

Healthcare in Kunduz

Kunduz has several healthcare facilities providing primary, secondary, and tertiary care. The main hospital, organized by the Ministry of Public Health, offers a range of medical services, including emergency care, laboratories, radiology, and ambulance services. Private clinics and physicians also offer comprehensive healthcare services.

Transport in Kunduz

Kunduz has an extensive network of public transportation, comprising buses and shared taxis (locally known as 'Sherut'). These modes of transportation are affordable and reliable, with routes connecting different neighborhoods, cities, and provinces. Intra-city travel is mostly done via bicycle or foot due to traffic congestion.

Safety in Kunduz

Kunduz is generally considered relatively safe, compared to other areas in Afghanistan. However, petty crime such as pickpocketing and theft can occur in crowded areas. It's advisable for expats to exercise caution, avoid taking unnecessary risks, and stay in well-lit areas. The city also faces some security risks due to occasional Taliban attacks in nearby areas.

Neighborhoods in Kunduz

  1. Dashte Sharq

    Dashte Sharq is a bustling neighborhood located in the eastern part of Kunduz. It's known for its vibrant markets, busy streets, and the presence of various ethnic communities. The area has many shops, eateries, and cafes, serving traditional Afghan cuisine and international dishes.

  2. Khalianaba Military Zone

    Khalianaba Military Zone is a serene neighborhood that hosts several military establishments, including the Afghan National Defense University. It features beautiful gardens, parkland, and trees, making it an ideal location for nature lovers.

Attractions in Kunduz

  1. Kunduz National Museum

    Kunduz National Museum is a significant historical and cultural landmark showcasing archaeological findings and artifacts tracing the oldest civilizations in the region. It includes ancient rock inscriptions from the Arachosian and Kushan empires.

  2. Always Snowing Mountain Resort

    Always Snowing Mountain Resort is a recreational hub featuring a ski resort, a snowboarding park, an ice skating rink, and a lake for ice-skating and ice hockey. It's the perfect winter wonderland for all ages and winter sports enthusiasts!

International Schools in Kunduz

  1. International Institute of Kunduz

    New Kunduz City

    The International Institute of Kunduz is a co-educational school affiliated with the Cambridge Assessment International Education. It offers programs ranging from Early Years to Secondary school levels, providing a quality and diverse education to expat children.

Useful expat resources in Kunduz

Expat destinations in Afghanistan