Living in St. George's as an expatriate

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Image of St. George's

Nestled in Bermuda's rugged eastern shore, St. George's, the island's original and captivating capital, brims with old-world charm and a timeless ambiance that captivates visitors and expats alike. With its world-renowned historical landmarks, stunning vistas, and unspoiled natural beauty, it's no wonder St. George's has been designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Despite its diminutive size, the city boasts an enviable quality of life characterized by a relaxed pace, friendly locals, and a high standard of living.

Tips for expats in St. George's

Visa requirements

Expats moving to St. George's should check the Bermuda Immigration and Protection Act to determine the type of visa required for their intended duration and purpose of stay. The most common types of visas for expats are work permits and dependent visas. It is essential to apply for the visas well in advance of arriving in Bermuda to avoid unnecessary delays.

Language resources

English is the official language in St. George's, making it relatively easy for expats to integrate into the community. To enhance their communication skills, expats can consider taking English-language courses at the Bermuda College or hiring a private tutor. The College offers certificate and diploma courses in various disciplines, including Business, Computer Science, Hospitality, and Language. Additionally, Bermuda has a growing population of Portuguese, Spanish, and French expats, which can provide opportunities for language exchange.

Cost of living for expats in St. George's


St. George's offers a broad range of housing options tailored to various budgets and preferences. Expats can find affordable rooms in shared houses starting from $400 USD monthly. Rent for a one-bedroom apartment ranges from $800 USD to $1,200 USD per month, depending on the location and condition. Expats seeking a two or three-bedroom house for a family can expect to pay around $1,500 USD to $2,500 USD monthly. Utilities costs are relatively cheap, with electricity, internet, and water bills averaging $150 USD to $250 USD.


St. George's offers an excellent selection of grocery stores, supermarkets, and provisions, catering to expats' needs. Expats can buy basic staples from the local grocery stores and supermarkets for approximately $200 USD to $350 USD monthly, depending on the household's size and dietary preferences. Fruits, vegetables, and meats are also readily available, with prices ranging from $2 USD to $6 USD per item.


Expats can avail of inexpensive public transportation, such as the buses, which costs around $3.50 USD per ride. Taxis and car rentals are also affordable, with average fares ranging from $25 USD to $50 USD for a one-way ride, depending on the destination. Car and scooter rentals begin at around $40 USD to $70 USD weekly, depending on the type of vehicle.

Climate in St. George's

St. George's basks in a tropical climate, which means mild temperatures, low humidity, and average annual precipitation. The island enjoys two seasons: the rainy season (June to November) and the dry season (December to May). Daytime temps hover between the mid-60s and mid-80s Fahrenheit (18-30C) throughout the year, making it a desirable destination for expats seeking a moderate climate.

Job market in St. George's

St. George's is home to an extensive array of industries, offering expats a diverse job market, ranging from finance and insurance, tourism and hospitality, construction and engineering, healthcare, law, and government services. The city serves as the legal, administrative, and financial capital of Bermuda, making it a hub for professional services. Additionally, the Cape Town-based, globally recognized Bermudian insurance and reinsurance giants, AXA XL, Allied World, and Arch, have a notable presence in St. George's.

Healthcare in St. George's

St. George's is blessed with a highly efficient and well-established healthcare system. King Edward VII Memorial Hospital, a modern, multidisciplinary hospital with over 170 beds, serves the community, providing a wide range of medical facilities, services, and procedures. Additionally, the Bermuda Cancer and Health Centre (BCHC) offers cancer care treatment, as well as support services for those living with chronic illnesses. The hospital and the private facilities working in various specialties augment the healthcare infrastructure in St. George's.

Transport in St. George's

St. George's is known for its clean and efficient public transportation. The city's bus network is well-developed, providing regular services to all areas, including the Red Triangle, the historic UNESCO World Heritage Site. Taxis and rental cars are also available, making it easy to navigate the city and explore the surrounding areas. Expats can also rent scooters and bicycles, allowing them to discover the city's hidden gems at their own pace.

Safety in St. George's

St. George's is considered a safe city, with relatively low crime rates compared to other Caribbean capitals. Expats residing in popular neighborhoods such as St. George's proper, St. David's, St. George's Cricket Club, and Church Bay have reported low levels of crime, with most incidents limited to property crimes. However, expats should still take appropriate precautions, such as locking their doors and valuables, avoiding isolated areas, and carrying photocopies of their identification documents.

Neighborhoods in St. George's

  1. St. George's Proper

    St. George's Proper is the epicenter of St. George's and the heartbeat of Bermudian heritage. The area's narrow lanes, charming storefronts, and historic landmarks offer a picturesque and intimate glimpse into the island's rich cultural heritage.

  2. St. David's

    St. David's, located just north of St. George's Proper, is a quiet and secluded residential area characterized by its lovely streets, expansive gardens, and scenic coastlines. The neighborhood is known for its peacefulness and proximity to the magical Fairy Castle Hamilton Place.

  3. St. George's Cricket Club

    St. George's Cricket Club area is a lively residential district situated near the eastern edge of St. George's, offering a decent mix of houses, duplexes, and apartments. The area is home to St. George's Castle Harbor beach, one of the island's lesser-known gems.

  4. Church Bay

    Church Bay, located just west of St. George's Cricket Club, is a quiet residential area known for its breathtaking coastline views, beaches, and several residential developments, including the luxurious Waterlot Island development.

Attractions in St. George's

  1. St. George's UNESCO World Heritage Site

    St. George's UNESCO World Heritage Site contains several historical landmarks of outstanding universal value, such as the St. George's Cathedral Church, St. Peter's Church, and various 17th-century buildings, including the colonial-era Town Hall Complex.

  2. Kings Square and Botanical Gardens

    Kings Square and Botanical Gardens, located at the heart of St. George's, offer an idyllic green space for relaxation, promenade, and photography.

  3. Bermuda Audubon Society

    The Bermuda Audubon Society manages two nature reserves, Spittal Pond Nature Reserve and Mangrove Bay Nature Reserve, catering to expats' love for walks, birdwatching, picnics, and nature photography.

  4. St. George's Lighthouse

    St. George's Lighthouse, situated at the tip of Crow Lane, offers panoramic views of the ocean and St. George's UNESCO World Heritage Site.

International Schools in St. George's

  1. Warwick Academy

    Warwick Parish

    Warwick Academy is one of Bermuda's most well-established and respected international schools, offering a diverse curriculum, including Advanced Placement courses, balanced with a rigorous sports program.

  2. Saltus Grammar School

    Hamilton Parish

    Saltus Grammar School offers a unique British-inspired curriculum blended with modern teaching methodologies, catering to expat students seeking a traditional education coupled with innovative learning experiences.

  3. Bermuda High School

    Hamilton Parish

    Bermuda High School is a private selective college preparatory school, emphasizing a broad educational foundation, scholastic dedication, and leadership opportunities, providing a stimulating learning environment for expat students.

Useful expat resources in St. George's

Expat destinations in Bermuda