Your guide to being an expatriate in Faroe Islands

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The Faroe Islands are a unique and isolated country, rich in culture and history. Known for their stunning scenery, including dramatic cliffs and tranquil fjords, they offer a serene escape for nature enthusiasts. The archipelago consists of 18 islands, connected by bridges and tunnels, and enjoys a favorable climate, allowing for lush vegetation and a mild maritime weather. The Faroe Islands are a self-governing country, with a parliamentary system, headed by a Prime Minister, and are a member of several international organizations, including the Nordic Council and the European Free Trade Association.

Faroe Islands

Expat destinations in Faroe Islands

Demographics of Faroe Islands:

Ethnic groups

The majority of the population are Faroese, with a significant Danish minority. Other ethnic groups include Norwegian and Icelandic.


Faroese and Danish are both official languages, with Faroese spoken by the majority of the population. English is also widely spoken due to historical ties and tourism.

Religion Overview

The Faroe Islands have a predominantly Christian population, with Lutheranism being the dominant denomination. The Faroese Church is a self-governing branch of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Norway, although it maintains close ties with the Danish National Church. Around 79% of the population identify as Christian, with the remainder being a mix of other religions and non-believers.

Major Religions


The climate in the Faroe Islands is mild, with relatively low precipitation compared to nearby Iceland. The Gulf Stream provides a temperate climate, although the location in the North Atlantic ocean results in frequent rainfall. The average temperature is around 6°C, with a potential for snowfall in winter.

Economy Overview

The Faroe Islands' economy is heavily dependent on fisheries, with fish-farming being the largest sector. Services and tourism also contribute significantly to the gross domestic product, while agriculture is a minor component. Due to its strategic location, the Faroe Islands have established themselves as a hub for air and sea transportation, linking Scandinavia and North America. Foreign investment is minimal, and self-sufficiency is a key economic goal.

Key Industries

  • Fisheries (fish farming and fishing)
  • Services (financial, education, and healthcare)
  • Tourism

Major Companies

  • Fish Farming Føroyar
  • Samsøgarfelagsins
  • Toro FA EHF

Culture and Language Overview

Faroese culture is grounded in traditions, folklore, and language. The Faroe Islands' unique location and history have contributed to a distinct culture, with distinct music, literature and gastronomy. The Faroese language, closely related to Old Norse, is spoken by the majority of the population and is essential to maintaining cultural identity. Music, literature, and traditional handicrafts such as woolen textiles and pottery are central components of Faroese culture.

Cultural Highlights

  • Faroese national festivals, including Constitution Day and National Day
  • Traditional music, such as the 'Leitis' (Faroese shawm)
  • Literature by renowned Faroese authors like Edvard Brandson and Mikkjal Dahl
  • Hjørringar (Rye bread)
  • Handicrafts, such as Faroese woolen shawls and pottery from the town of Klaksvík

Geography and Landmarks Overview

The Faroe Islands consist of 18 volcanic islands, with dramatic and rugged sceneries, forming a unique archipelago. The islands are characterized by fertile valleys, deep fjords, and towering cliffs. The highest point, Beinn Mórá, reaches 882 meters above sea level, while the overall area covers approximately 1,400 square kilometers. The Faroe Islands' rugged topography has contributed to the presence of various landmarks attracting visitors from around the world.

Notable Landmarks

  • Tindhólmur
  • Drangarnir
  • Mykines
  • Gjogv
  • Saksun

National Holidays

  • New Year's Day (January 1)
  • Grace Day (Shrove Tuesday)
  • Maundy Thursday
  • Good Friday
  • Easter Sunday
  • Easter Monday
  • Christianity Theological Education Day (May 9)
  • National Day (June 25)
  • DírdSólnir (Solstice Day) (June 20)
  • Christmas Day (December 25)
  • Second Christmas Day (December 26)
  • New Year's Eve (December 31)

Political Stability

Political stability in the Faroe Islands is rated as 'solid' by various international organizations, including The Fund for Peace and The Economist Intelligence Unit. The political system is parliamentary and based on a consensus democracy, though reforms are underway to introduce a more majoritarian political system. The judiciary is independent, and civil liberties are respected. Law and order mechanisms are effective, and corruption is non-existent.

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