Navigating Coffee Culture An Expats Guide to Marshall Islands

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Welcome expatriates to the rich tapestry of coffee culture in Marshall Islands, a hidden gem in the Pacific Ocean. Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or a novice looking to discover the joys of this delicious beverage, this guide will help you navigate the local coffee scene and experience Marshall Islands's unique coffee culture. From understanding coffee origins and production to embracing coffee drinking customs and traditions, this guide will provide insights, tips, and recommendations for expats seeking to immerse themselves in Marshall Islands's coffee traditions.

Understanding Coffee Origins and Production

Marshall Islands is not traditionally known for its coffee production; however, there are still opportunities for expats to explore coffee plantations and farms. The main coffee-growing regions in the country include Majuro, Ailinglaplap, and Jaluij. Coffees grown in these regions are often small-batch and specialty varieties, such as Arabica, which are cherished for their unique flavor profiles and aromas.

Marshall Islands also imports coffee, with popular varieties such as Robusta, Arabica, and Liberica. Expats looking to experience different flavor profiles and aromas should take the opportunity to try both locally grown and imported varieties to discover their preferred coffee style.

Embracing Favorite Coffee Style Drinks

Marshall Islands boasts a diverse array of coffee style drinks, with both traditional and modern flavors. Here's a selection of favorites that expats should try:

Traditional Brews

  • Kopra Maradu: A traditional drink made with coconut flakes, water, and spices such as cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • Tuba Kopra: A farmer-friendly brewed under the sun in large steel drums, using water, grated coconut, and sugar. This drink is a refreshing treat for hot days and yields a creamy, slightly sweet mixture.
  • Kopra Gata: A warming brew consisting of grated coconut, water, and spices such as cinnamon and cloves, warmed over an open flame.

Specialty Blends

Marshall Islands is renowned for its high-quality Arabica coffee varieties, which yield an aromatic and rich flavor that cannot be found elsewhere. Expats should look out for specialty blends such as:

  • Safani Roast - A medium-bodied coffee with hints of cocoa and a smooth finish.
  • Etaro Roast - A bold and full-bodied coffee with earthy undertones.
  • Maggie Roast - A light and bright coffee with citrus undertones.

Popular Coffee Beverages

Marshall Islands's coffee scene also features popular coffee beverages that expats can enjoy:

  • Cappuccino: A classic Italian drink that consists of espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk.
  • Café au Lait: A traditional French drink comprised of coffee and hot milk.
  • Americano: An Italian long coffee made with espresso and hot water.
  • Mocha: A bold coffee and chocolate combination that delights chocolate lovers.
  • Latte: A popular coffee drink made with espresso, steamed milk, and a small amount of frothed milk.

Embracing Coffee Drinking Customs and Traditions

Coffee drinking customs and traditions hold a significant role in Marshall Islands's culture. Expats can discover and respect local customs through the following tips:

Coffee in Social Settings

Coffee is often served as a social drink, providing an opportunity to connect with local communities. Coffee is commonly served during gatherings, welcoming guests, or marking the beginning of a meal. Coffee rituals usually involve pouring, sharing, and drinking from a common pot. Expats should follow this tradition to show respect for Marshall Islands's culture.

Coffee Drinking Etiquette

Because coffee is often served as a shared pot, it's vital to follow specific etiquette when serving and drinking. Here's what expats should know:

  • Only take a small serving of coffee at first. It's essential to leave some for others to enjoy.
  • Stirring the coffee pot is considered a gesture of goodwill, helping ensure everyone has an equal amount of coffee.

Coffee Drinking Rituals

Coffee rituals form a crucial component of Marshall Islands's coffee culture, highlighting the significance of drinking coffee. Here's what expats should know:

  • Afa: This is a traditional Marshallese brewing method, involving grinding and shredding wet-roasted coffee cherries using an elaborate process.
  • Kopra Gata: this traditional coffee brewing method involves washing, roasting, and grinding fresh coconut shavings, which are then steeped in boiling water. The mixture is then strained, yielding a rich and creamy cup of coffee.

Coffee Drinking Social Etiquette

Coffee is customarily served during social occasions. Here's what expats should know:

  • It's essential to wait until invited to join or start drinking coffee during social events.
  • Drinking coffee slowly is a sign of respect for the host and other guests.
  • Drinking directly from the brewing pot is a sign of respect for the host's hospitality
  • Finishing the coffee in the pot is an additional sign of gratitude and respect.
  • Refusing the offer of additional coffee serves as a sign of politeness and gratitude towards the host.


Marshall Islands's coffee culture offers a unique opportunity for expats to savor delicious coffee drinks, immerse themselves in cultural traditions, and connect with local communities. This guide has provided insights, tips, and recommendations for expats seeking to embrace Marshall Islands's coffee culture while respecting local customs and traditions. To fully immerse yourself in Marshall Islands's coffee culture, try the recommended brews, embrace coffee drinking customs and traditions, and take the time to engage with the hospitable and welcoming Marshallese communities. Whether you're a coffee connoisseur or a newcomer, Marshall Islands's coffee culture offers a precious opportunity to savor exotic coffee flavors and connect with a fascinating community.