Living in Port Moresby as an expatriate

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Image of Port Moresby

Port Moresby is the bustling hub of Papua New Guinea, boasting a diverse economic landscape and a strong expat community. The city's bustling markets, picturesque harbors, and refreshing waterfront vistas make it a desirable location for international newcomers looking to immerse themselves in the local culture. However, Port Moresby's tropical climate can be challenging, with a high level of humidity and the risk of natural disasters such as earthquakes and landslides.

Tips for expats in Port Moresby

Visa requirements

For expats moving to Port Moresby, it's essential to ensure you have the appropriate visa. Due to the complex visa application process in Papua New Guinea, it's advisable to seek the assistance of a reputable visa consultant. The type of visa required will depend on the intended length of stay and the nature of employment.

Language resources

English is the official language of Papua New Guinea, and it's widely spoken across the country, including in Port Moresby. However, local dialects such as Melanesian Pidgin English or Tok Pisin are commonly spoken in informal settings. Learning these local dialects can help facilitate communication and cultural interaction.

Cost of living for expats in Port Moresby


Accommodation costs in Port Moresby range based on lifestyle preferences. Sharing a room in a guesthouse or apartment can cost around 400-800 Kina (111-233 US dollars) per month, while a one-bedroom apartment can cost upwards of 1,500-2,500 Kina (424-707 US dollars) per month. A two-bedroom apartment can cost between 2,500-4,00 Kina (707-1,145 US dollars) per month, while a three-plus bedroom house generally ranges from 4,000-6,00 Kina (1,145-1,718 US dollars) per month.


Grocery costs in Port Moresby depend on the quality of the particular food item. Basic household items such as rice, sugar, and pasta can cost between 50-100 Kina (14-29 US dollars) per kilogram. Fruits and vegetables are widely available in local markets and can vary in price depending on the season.


In Port Moresby, transportation costs can vary significantly. Taxis can charge around 50 Kina (14 US dollars) for inner-city journeys, while bus fares average 2 Kina (0.57 US dollars) per ride. Car-sharing services such as Uber are also available, with fares ranging based on the destination.

Climate in Port Moresby

Port Moresby has a tropical climate, characterized by high humidity and frequent rainfall. Temperatures generally range from 24°C to 30°C (75°F to 86°F) throughout the year, with a higher chance of rainfall during the period from November to April. The area is also prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, and cyclones.

Job market in Port Moresby

Port Moresby's economy consists primarily of services, agriculture, and mining. The city is home to several major corporations, including telecommunications company Digicel, banking institutions ANZ and BSP, and oil and gas company Oil Search. The government also plays a prominent role in the city's economy through its public sector employment opportunities.

Healthcare in Port Moresby

Port Moresby has a range of healthcare facilities across the city, from private clinics and hospitals to public health centers. The city's largest medical complex, the Port Moresby General Hospital, offers primary and specialist care services. In addition, private health facilities such as the Gunantuna Specialist Hospital and Yakamo Medical Centre provide advanced medical treatments for expats and locals alike.

Transport in Port Moresby

Getting around Port Moresby primarily involves taxis, buses, or car-sharing services. Taxis are readily available around the city, but it's essential to ensure they are licensed and have proper identification. Buses operate on a variety of routes, although the reliability and frequency of service can be inconsistent. An alternative option is to opt for car-sharing services like Uber, which is available in Port Moresby.

Safety in Port Moresby

While Port Moresby has its share of safety concerns, many areas are considered safe for expats to live and work in. The city's central business district and suburbs like Boroko and Badili are generally considered secure, while the outskirts and remote areas are more vulnerable to crime. It's essential to take necessary precautions and remain vigilant in all situations, particularly in crowded areas.

Neighborhoods in Port Moresby

  1. Waigani

    Waigani is one of the most affluent suburbs in Port Moresby, renowned for its upscale residential areas and commercial establishments. The neighborhood houses the PNG Parliament House, the PNG National Museum and Art Gallery, and several international businesses and embassies.

  2. Taurama

    Taurama is a bustling commercial district in Port Moresby, boasting a mix of high-end shopping centers, hotels, and restaurants. It's also conveniently located close to the city's major transport routes, making it a popular hub for both tourists and locals.

  3. Tusbab St

    Tusbab St, also known as Five-Mile, is a bustling residential and commercial hub that offers a diverse blend of cultures and cuisines. The area is known for its vibrant street markets, bustling food vendors, and laid-back nightlife scene.

Attractions in Port Moresby

  1. National Museum & Art Gallery

    The National Museum & Art Gallery is a significant cultural landmark in Port Moresby, showcasing traditional Papua New Guinean artifacts and relics. The museum also features workshops and talks aimed at promoting cross-cultural understanding and learning.

  2. Kokopo City

    Located about 300 kilometers northeast of Port Moresby, Kokopo City offers a distinctive blend of rural landscapes and city-style living. The area is famous for its stunning coastal scenery, cultural festivals, and various opportunities for adventure and outdoor activities.

International Schools in Port Moresby

  1. Port Moresby International School


    Port Moresby International School is a renowned educational institute, catering to children from preschool to grade 12. The school offers an international curriculum, experienced teachers, and modern facilities including a library, computer lab, and sports grounds.

  2. Rainforest School


    Rainforest School is a co-educational institution that provides education for children from early childhood to Grade 12. The school's curriculum is based on the Australian National Curriculum as well as the PNG National Curriculum for Primary education.

Useful expat resources in Port Moresby

Expat destinations in Papua New Guinea